Monday, April 5, 2010

Hendrix Winston

Michael and I adopted Hendrix from a rescue called a labor of love and she rescued Hendrix and his brother chowder and there mother when Hendrix was a month old from a hoarder that had the three of them and 10 other dogs on chains in her back yard Hendrix spent the first month of his life in the snow in a wet cold box and his brother chowder and him were found asleep on top of there dead brothers and siters. I love knowing that Hendrix is a rescue dog. He is the greatest thing. He is so good and we potty trained him right away and he has been really good with going to the door when he has to go. Sometimes he just wants to go outside and chase leaves but then we eventually get a potty out of him. He is such a great addition to our little family. I love him.

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